GINGER is now our old grandma of the house. She takes her job very seriously! and keeps all the new mothers and their puppies in line. She is our heart dog and the start of our foundation line.
Ginger got her very first show point at Memphis Kennel Club’s Southaven show on Aug 27, 2013. She took Winner’s Bitch and Best of Winners under judge Mr. William DeVilleneuve.

10/21/2013 – Ginger now has 13 points – Finishing the weekend 4-day show at Belton, Tx with a 5 pt, 3 pt and 3pt major!! Not a bad weekend’s work!! Under the expert handling of Mr. Hiram T. Stewart.
11/17/2013 – Ginger is now an AKC Champion finishing her championship in Humble, Tx – She then went on to add to her resume by taking Select Bitch and two 3-pt majors at Montgomery, Al on 11/22 and 11/24.
She competed in an IABCA show in March of 2014 and won her IntCH title there. She currently has 10 points with 2 majors toward her GCH and has also obtained her CHIC# with all health testing passed and completed.
November 5, 2014 – Ginger had her first litter with our boy Jett and all pups went to fantastic new homes! We are very proud of Ginger and Jett and their first litter!!! See Past Litters Page for their puppy pics and Bred By Champions page for one little girl of the litter who has recently achieved her AKC CHampionship at only 10 months old!!!
Ginger came through with another beautiful litter of 5 gorgeous puppies. She and Georgie made an excellent pairing!! See puppy page for new brood.
Her next breeding should happen somewhere around end of November – first of December. This will be her third litter and she will be five years old in April of 2017. So there may be one more breeding after this winter one then she will retire as a very successful show and brood bitch.